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    Jason Macza,1971年出生,是一位畫家、雕塑家,以及資深的動畫和3D視覺特效藝術家,擁有17年的豐富經驗,參與了眾多經典美國劇集與電影的動畫及視效製作。他在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的草原上成長,那裡的開闊風光深深影響了他的藝術創作。這些廣袤的景象和生機勃勃的野兔,成為他筆下犬兔追逐畫面的靈感來源。狗兒追著兔子,穿越農田和雪地,卻總是無法捕捉獵物,最終進入夢境,四肢微微抽搐。Jason透過繪畫和雕塑捕捉這種短暫卻雋永的動態,不是寫實的重現,而是抓住其中的精髓與生命力。他的作品如曙光初現,淡然脫俗,卻藏有明亮的色彩,增添了夢境中的雀躍之情。


    作為一位抽象藝術家,Jason的創作風格深受薩斯喀徹溫草原的啟發,模仿自然的力量,通過多元媒材設計和創意破壞,不斷創造全新的藝術結構。他的藝術作品反映了他在心理和神經多元性方面的掙扎,呈現了他對世界的獨特感知。除了視覺藝術,他還涉足動畫、導演及視效領域,曾因《Man In The High Castle》獲得艾美獎提名。2016年,他在薩斯卡通創立了自己的全職工作室,並於2024年在法蘭克福開設新的藝術工作室,專注於創建沉浸式的2D和3D世界,探索材料和概念中隱藏的潛在共鳴。


Jason Macza is an imaginative abstract artist from Saskatchewan, Canada. His sculptural style is inspired by the way that the Saskatchewan Prairie shapes nature. Through multimedia design and the concept of creative destruction, Jason's artwork expresses his struggles with mental health and neurodivergence, offering glimpses into his experiences and perceptions of the world around him. With a diverse multi-media career covering animation, directing and VFX for TV and film, including nominated for an Emmy for “Man In The High Castle.” Film festival awards and VFX awards. he began his full-time studio practice in Saskatoon in 2016. Currently, Jason focuses on creating immersive 2D and 3D worlds, and explores what resonates in the traces of "underneathness" within his materials and concepts.

Jason Macza excels at capturing the dynamics of animals, depicting their play-fight, but Jason goes beyond mere representation. In his eyes, the animal groups he portrays resemble a close social community where they chase and frolic freely, like an undiscovered prairie somewhere in the world, quietly immortalized.

Under Jason's brush, the rabbits and dogs are poised and ready, or leaping into action. Though each movement is fleeting, it seems eternal. Within each action, we can anticipate the next. The rabbits will leap, and the hunting dogs will charge forward. Jason not only depicts the chase between rabbits and dogss but also presents every fleeting moment is brimming with the possibilities of the future



  • 2024 Art Taichung, Group Exhibition, Taichung Taiwan
  • 2024 MacDuff Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Kaohsiung Taiwan
  • 2024 Saskatchewan Craft Council, Solo Exhibition, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • 2024 Part Crowd Gallery, Group Exhibition, Toronto, Canada
  • 2023 Art Now Fine Art Fair, Saskatoon, Canada
  • 2023 Art Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Taiwan
  • 2023 Art-Now Regina Saskatchewan Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Regina, Canada
  • 2023 Order and Chaos, Lipont Gallery, Group Exhibition, Richmond, Canada
  • 2022 Annual International Representational Exhibition, Federation of Canadian Artists
  • 1995 Seoul Korean, Seoul Station, Solo Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
  • 1995 ACAD Grad show, Calgary Alberta
  • 1995 ACAD Drawing Department Show, Calgary Alberta


  • 2017黃金時段艾美獎視覺特效提名(高堡奇人)                                                  
  • 2010~2013全美民選獎 奇幻/超自然類 最受歡迎獎 (超自然檔案)   
  • 2004利奧獎 (電視視覺特效)                                                                         
  • 2000勞德代爾堡國際電影節最佳學生動畫                                                                                                                                                          


  • 2017 Nominated. Prime time Emmy VFX (Man In High Castle) VFX    Supervisor (credited but unlisted)      
  • 2010~2013 People's Choice Award for Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show (Supernatural)                                                     
  • 2004 LEO award (VFX TV)                                                                                     
  • 2000 Fort Lauderdale Film Festival Best student Animated                         


  • 2000 溫哥華電影學校 3D動畫文憑                                                                     
  • 1995 阿爾伯塔藝術與設計學院 繪畫組                                                               


Artistic Training

  • 2000 VFS ~ 3D Animation Diploma                                                                  
  • 1995 ACAD (Alberta College of Art and Design ~ (Drawing Program)  


3D動畫與視覺特效藝術經歷 Employment

2015~2020 Yard Dog Private Project, “Multiverse Shenanigans For Boys And Girls” and interactive “Choose your own adventure” (Art director, Pre-Visualization, Zbrush Mari) 

2015~2015 “Man In The High Castle” (Set-VFX Supervisor)

2014~2015 Zoic Studios, “Once Upon A Time “(Texturing, surfacing, lighting) 

2010~2014“Supernatural “   Season 7 to 11 (Texturing, surfacing, lighting) 

2010~2010 IATSE 891   Strategy development VFX industry. Web, Video, ETC  

2009~2010 Vancouver Olympic Comity (3D designer. 3D generalist)   

2007~2008 SpinFX,  Outlander (Texturing, surfacing, lighting)  

2007~2006 Rainmaker, “Blades of Steel”,” IronMan”, “Elektra” (3D Gen.)

2005~2006 Omni “Running on a Dream” (3D Gen.)  

2005~2005 Harwood  “Company Of Heroes” (3D Gen.)

2005~2005 Anthem “Earth Sea”,”Merlin”,” Final Days” (3D Gen.)

2003~2004 Artifex “Gargoyles”, “Snake Head Terror” (Animation Sup.) (3D Gen.)

2000~2004 “Lost Boys”   Commercial and Television VFX (3D Gen.)